
Customizable Weekly
Recycling Pickup
We have the Resolve to keep Horry County beautiful. Our goal is to help decrease the percentage of waste that goes to the landfill and increase the rate of recycling in our neighborhood. We can best do this by offering members of our community the opportunity to recycle from their homes with ease. Our commingled recycling pickup services can help you send less garbage to our local landfill and more to factories where it can be reused. Together we can increase sustainability in our community. Sign up and start making a difference today!

Sign up.
Signing up for our service is easy. Simply click on this link, sign up, and start doing your part to increase the life expectancy of the county landfill. Want garbage pickup? Perfect. Our basic plan comes with garbage pickup. Have bulk items or yard waste? No problem. Give us a call, and we will schedule your items to be collected. Have a question? Let us know!

Take out your Recycling.
Because we offer commingled recycling services, sorting paper, plastic, and glass items into different piles is unnecessary! Instead, throw all your recyclable materials into your 95-gallon recycling cart provided by us, and we will pick it up bi-weekly!

We pick it up.
Just like your trash cart, simply set out your recycling cart by the curb, and we will pick it up bi-weekly on your assigned pick-up day. Need your recycling cart picked up every week? Let us know, and we can arrange it for you. Want more than one recycling cart? Absolutely! Reach out, and we are happy to provide you with another recycling bin if you wish.

What to Recycle
You can recycle the following items in your curbside recycling program or at Horry County Recycling Centers.

The following items ARE NOT ACCEPTED curbside or at recycling centers: plastic bags (recycle at local grocery stores); glass cookware, dishes or ceramics; Styrofoam; paper plates, napkins, plasticware or silverware; light bulbs; mirrors; or wrapping paper